Optimise Your Mutual Fund Investments: Unveiling Hidden Truths and Smart Strategies

Boost your mutual fund investments with Liquide's advanced AI tools. Learn to navigate hidden fees and optimize your portfolio with our cutting-edge analytics.

Optimise Your Mutual Fund Investments: Unveiling Hidden Truths and Smart Strategies

July witnessed an unprecedented surge in investments through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), with a monumental Rs 23,332 crore influx, showcasing a robust trend in disciplined investments among retail investors. Concurrently, the total assets under management (AUM) for the mutual fund industry have escalated to an all-time high of Rs 65 lakh crore, as reported by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI).

While these figures illustrate a thriving market, investors face a complex array of choices among mutual fund categories—including equity, debt, hybrid and more. This diversity, while beneficial, also poses challenges, as not all mutual funds deliver outstanding returns. Just as in stock investments, choosing the right mutual fund requires careful consideration and thorough research tailored to meet individual financial goals. 

Our Beginner’s Guide on Mutual Funds simplifies these categories to streamline your investment process. Despite the popularity of mutual funds, it's imperative for investors to critically evaluate them, bearing in mind that the impressive overall growth figures may not fully represent individual fund performance.

The Underwhelming Reality of Mutual Funds

Did You Know?

  • Performance Check: A shocking 88% of large-cap, 84% of mid-cap, and 68% of small-cap mutual funds have failed to beat their benchmarks! It's surprising to see such a significant number of mutual funds not matching up. Imagine the potential returns you could miss out on!
  • Expense Ratios: Those seemingly inconspicuous expense ratios can be a silent wealth eater. These ratios can gobble up up to 2% of your capital every year. Over time, this could mean a substantial chunk of your returns simply disappearing.
  • Exit Load: Planning on withdrawing from your mutual fund early? Think twice. Many funds slap a fee of up to 1% of your capital for early withdrawal.

Are you cringing at these numbers? So are we!

Enter Liquide: Revolutionizing Mutual Fund Management with AI

As of today, over Rs 65 lakh crore is invested in mutual funds in India. Yet, many investors are unaware of potential issues like underperformance and hidden fees that can impact their returns. We, at Liquide, believe in giving the power back to the investor, and that's why we are thrilled to launch the groundbreaking AI-powered Mutual Funds Portfolio Analytics Tool.


This tool transforms how you manage and optimize your mutual fund investments by exposing underperformance and hidden fees, thus empowering better investment decisions. 

Key Features

  • 360-Degree Portfolio Analysis: Identify underperforming segments and high-risk areas within your portfolio.
  • Discover Hidden Costs: Say goodbye to hidden fees that silently chip away at your returns. Our tool scrutinizes every aspect of your investment, revealing costs you may never have known existed. 
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Gain clear, actionable insights that help optimize your portfolio for better returns.

Take Control of Your Financial Future with Liquide

Don’t let your hard-earned money be mismanaged. Download Liquide today and take control of your financial future. Utilize the app to streamline your investing journey, monitor your Mutual Funds' performance, and make informed adjustments! Moreover, the app equips you with all the essential resources and tools for savvy investments in equities too. Don't miss out – download Liquide from the Apple Appstore or Google Play Store today and take control of your financial future.